Welcome to the enchanting plant world of Bohinj, Slovenia! Explore the natural beauty of this breathtaking Alpine karst landscape during your walks and become a true plant explorer. Our book, filled with beautiful photos, is your ideal companion to explore the diversity and abundance of flora in Bohinj.

With over 1000 different plant species, Bohinj is one of the richest natural areas in Europe. This photo album, inspired by the "Mala Flora Slovenije," categorizes over 450 different plants by flower color and family. It is designed to assist you in recognizing the beautiful flora that this area has to offer.

Each plant portrait is presented with details such as plant height, flowering time, and distribution area to facilitate your recognition journey. We have captured the plants from 3 different perspectives, allowing you to admire every detail. And for enthusiasts, plant names are listed in Latin, Dutch, Slovenian, German, and English.

All photos were taken in beautiful Bohinj, giving you an authentic view of the natural splendor that this area has to offer. Prepare for a journey of discovery full of color and variety as you explore the breathtaking plants of Bohinj.

Let yourself be guided by the natural beauty and uncover the secrets of Bohinj's flora during your next walks! Welcome to the fascinating plant world of Bohinj, one of Europe's most diverse natural reserves!

Horminum pyrenaicum
Horminum pyrenaicum
Drakenbek - pirenejska zmajevka - Drachenmaul - Pyrenean Dead-nettle
Campanula zoisii
Campanula zoisii
Zoisklokje - Zoisova zvončica - Zois Glockenblume - Zois' Bellflower
Soldanella minima
Soldanella minima
Dwergkwastjesbloem - najmanjši alpski zvonček - Kleinstes Alpenglöckchen - Least Snowbell
Orchis morio subsp. morio
Orchis morio subsp. morio
Harlekijn - navadna kukavica - Gewöhnliches Kleines Knabenkraut - Green-winged Orchid
Hepatica nobilis
Hepatica nobilis
Leverbloempje - jetrnik - Leberblümchen - Liverleaf
Viola alba subsp. scotophylla
Viola alba subsp. scotophylla
x - bela vijolica - Violettsporniges Weiβes Veilchen - White Violet
Campanula barbata
Campanula barbata
Behaard klokje - brkata zvončica - Bärtige Glockenblume - Bearded Bellflower
Armeria alpina
Armeria alpina
x - alpski pečnik - Alpen-Grasnelke - Alpine Thrift
Aquilegia iulia
Aquilegia iulia
x - julijska orlica - x - Julian Columbine
Veratrum nigrum
Veratrum nigrum
Zwarte nieswortel - črna čmerika - Schwarzer Germer - Dark-flowered False-hellebore
Listera ovata
Listera ovata
Grote keverorchis - jajčastolistni muhovnik - Groβes Zweiblatt - Common Twayblade
Iris graminea
Iris graminea
Gras iris - travnolistna perunika - Grasblättrige Schwertlilie - Grass-leaved Flag
Cicerbita alpina
Cicerbita alpina
Alpensla - navadna gorska ločika - Alpen-Milchlattich - Alpine Blue-sow-thistle
Pinus mugo
Pinus mugo
Bergden - rušje - Latsche - Dwarf Mountain-pine